Kushe Magazine April 2013 Issue 1 Vol 1 | Page 24

Salone Market Richmond Garrick
New Jersey , USA
“ SLAAM Award ” from the Sierra Leone Association of Artists & Musicians for his outstanding contribution to the development of Fine Arts in Sierra Leone and the world . “ 14 th Paul Aiken Encore
Award ” from the South Jersey Cultural Alliance . “ Cultural Award ” from the United Artist of Sierra Leone in Great Britain . “ Lajos Markos Art Foundation Scholarship ” for representational art and numerous college awards from Montclair State University and Rutgers University .
His paintings have been exhibited at Hunterdon Museum , African American Heritage Museum , The Noyes Museum , and P . P . O . W . Gallery in New York , Art Institute in Philadelphia , Middlesex County College Gallery , Montclair States University , and Rutgers University . Richmond ’ s work has been published in “ The British Council Annual Report and Accounts ” and “ Transcultural New Jersey : Diverse Artists Shaping Culture and Communities .” He has received reviews in various magazines and newspapers including “ Calabash Magazine ” published in Britain , The Gloucester County Times , The Daily Journal , Middlesex Now , African Concord , The Star Ledger , Rutgers Magazine and others . Richmond ’ s works are in private and public collections .
Richmond ’ s most recent exhibit was held in February 2013 to celebrate Black History Month at the Willingboro Library in Willingboro Township , New Jersey . This was a special invitation to show his work during such a significant period celebrating African American History . You can browse his art gallery at www . artwanted . com .

Salone Market Richmond Garrick

New Jersey , USA