KU Financial Report KU Financial Report 2022 | Page 28

14 . Fundraising Reserve
2022 2021
$ $ Balance at beginning of financial year 1,040,029 1,077,931 Transfer to general funds ( 2,073 ) ( 37,902 ) Balance at end of financial year 1,037,956 1,040,029
The fundraising reserve arises from the accumulated efforts of parents and staff to allow services to purchase optional toys and equipment , to assist the service to expand and develop to meet local needs and to allow parents to share in the life of the service and to make a concrete contribution to their children ’ s lives .
15 . Non-current assets - right-of-use assets
2022 2021
$ $ Right-of-use assets 9,495,709 10,285,952 Less : Accumulated depreciation ( 6,219,048 ) ( 5,162,583 ) Balance at end of financial year 3,276,661 5,123,369
Reconciliations Reconciliations of the written down values at the beginning and end of the current and previous financial period are set out below .
Balance at beginning of year 5,123,369 6,708,409 Additions 167,861 1,485,940 Depreciation Expense ( 2,014,569 ) ( 3,070,980 )
Balance at end of year 3,276,661 5,123,369