the ongoing viability of high quality
childcare and preschool services. So,
while KU welcomes increased choice
for families, we continue to advocate
for greater planning and regulation
regarding the approval and funding
of new services.
On the other hand, in NSW, the
continued roll-out of the Start Strong
funding was very positive, delivering
significantly lower fees in State-funded
preschools. As the State’s largest
independent provider of preschools,
KU is pleased to have been able to
welcome the increased participation
of families at our preschools as a
result of this initiative.
Given KU’s strong commitment to the
inclusion of children with additional
needs, the transition to NDIS is
ongoing, as is the need for us to
respond and adjust our services and
operations. Ensuring families of young
children can access high quality
early intervention services within
the context of their mainstream
early education environment is an
increasing consideration, and we
have continued to evolve and expand
our service offering to meet these
changing needs.
In 2018, early childhood services
began to be assessed under the
revised National Quality Standard
(NQS) and Assessment and Rating
system. We are incredibly proud
that KU centres continue to be
independently assessed as amongst
the highest quality in the country,
with 99% meeting or exceeding
the Standard. Another KU centre, KU
Lance, was added to the growing list
of KU services that have achieved
the highest possible honour; the
coveted NQS ‘Excellent’ rating. These
results continue to be something
that differentiates KU for families,
and with a consistently outstanding
Net Promoter Score of +75.9, we are
assured KU families recognise and
appreciate this quality difference.