welcome injection of new Start Strong
Funding resulting in reduced fees in 2017.
The Victorian Government announced
Early Years Management will replace
the existing Kindergarten Cluster
Management model, prompting a review
of the management services KU offers to
preschools in that State.
At the Commonwealth level, KU worked
with the broader sector to advocate for the
finalisation of the $3.1b Jobs for Families
Package and KU continued to be a member
of the Ministerial Advisory Group.
Reviews of lease and management
agreements by landlords and partners
at times provide opportunities for KU,
however sadly in 2016 this led to the
closure of KU Macquarie Park Children’s
Centre, KU East Killara Preschool and
Emerald Hill Child Care Centre.
Pleasingly, our collective efforts delivered
an operational surplus of $5.6m. This surplus
will enable us to implement our bold
objectives in our Strategic Plan 2017-2019
Creating, Thinking and Doing for Today
and Tomorrow, and our Innovate
Reconciliation Action Plan. We will increase
our investment in and engagement with
our people; increase our social investment
to benefit vulnerable and disadvantaged
children; implement our new initiatives;
and increase our involvement in evidence
based research. Together, these two
documents and our financial performance
set us on a solid roadmap that will take
us into the future as a strong and agile
organisation committed to the provision
of inclusive quality early education
programs for children and families.
In 2016 we supported future leaders in
education through excellence awards at:
Charles Sturt University
Macquarie University
University of Canberra
University of Newcastle
University of Notre Dame
Western Sydney University
Find out more at ku.com.au.
Thank you to our Board and all our
teams who contributed to making the KU
difference a reality for children in 2016.
Christine Legg
Chief Executive Officer
Individual excellence and joint endeavour are the basis for KU’s approach to quality. In 2016 we recognised:
Kristin Sheldon, KU Mayfield Preschool
for making the KU Difference for children
Fiona Eadie, KU Cheltenham
Memorial Preschool
for making the KU Difference for families
KU Gwynneville Preschool Staff
for making the KU Difference
for communities
KU’s IT&T Team
for making the KU Difference for staff
KU Ourimbah Preschool and Children’s
Centre Staff
for making the KU Difference
through quality
Charlotte Paterson, KU Carillon Avenue
Children’s Centre
for making the KU Difference
through sustainability
Lisa Maybury, NSW/ACT
Inclusion Agency
for making the KU Difference
through innovation
Gisella Wilson, KU Manager, Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander Programs
The KU Marcia Burgess Award
Read their stories at ku.com.au
Debbie Creake, KU Rydalmere Preschool
for making the KU Difference by
representing KU
KU Lance Preschool and Children’s
Centre Staff
for making the KU Difference
through reconciliation