KREFELD-BASAURI 2015-2016 2 | Page 22

student n º 15
Landscapes from the Basque Country As you might know , my fantastic mate , Nikie , came to visit the Basque Country last September . I must say that I was scared at first , but we got on well really quick ! We laughed together , we shared everything , we stayed up till midnight talking about deep things , we partied , we explored and we learn so much about each other .
I asked her about which landscape she liked the most , and she actually thought that everything here was wonderful and she couldn ´ t decide . I helped her to choose some of them and we finally agreed that these places could be Nikie ´ s favourite landscapes . Then she told me what she found different from the Basque Country and Krefeld .
The first day , we took Nikie and her friends with us to Artxanda , so they could see Bilbao from the top . We took some pictures together and we spend a good time together . Fortunately , the weather was good , even if it was overcast it didn ’ t rain . She said that the view was fantastic , she loved Bilbao . It has a similar appearance to Krefeld , she said , but with a touch that it made Bilbao especial for her .