student n º 14
On September of 2016 , a German girl , whose name is Marie Petters , came to my house . We had a really good time together , I think that she enjoyed a lot here .
On the one hand , she got in love with Bilbao ’ s gastronomy , before going back to her country , she told me to give her some recipes of different dishes my mum had cooked for her . Her favourite word was “ delicious ” or that ’ s what I think , because whenever she tasted new things , everything was tasty .
Talking to her , I discovered that she fell in love with peoples ’ outfits . From her point of view , Basque people have an original and quirky style which she found very interesting .
On the other hand , there were some other things she disliked , such as , students ’ behaviour at school . When we were in class with them I realized that she was a bit uncomfortable ; she found the place very noisy . German people are very shy and respectful , so for her , it had been an unconfortable moment .
All in all , she went back home with very good vibes , so enthusiastic to tell her friends and relatives this unforgettable adventure .