koc-ebullet-apr-2014-cs5-fnl.pdf Apr. 2014 | Page 19

10. Families of deceased members were always acknowledged and welcomed to attend our activities. Photos of former Grand Knights that were hanging in the parish church who had passed away were identified with a small red maple leaf affixed to their photos to indicate their passing and our gratitude; 11. Placed advertisements in the parish bulletin with contact info; 12. Secured gift certificates from local businesses that we gave out at our KofC hosted events to encourage participation; 13. All of our KofC general meetings begin with everybody introducing themselves to the others attending the meeting. This helped encourage familiarity amongst or knights; 14. At the end of every KofC general meeting, everyone present is asked if they have any comments they would like to add before we conclude. This affords everyone the opportunity to have a say in their council; 15. All transfers to and from the Council by members in good standing were readily processed. At no time did the Council accept any stigmatisation of these members. Our approach was that it was better to have a member stay in the KofC rather than quit because he could not change councils. While none of these tips are a guarantor of success, these new practices did coincide with improvements in our Council for 2012-13. So they have been listed here to afford other councils some ideas that may have a positive impact on their own key performance indicators. Vivat Jesus Bruce Poulin DD 54 Ottawa T o p 1 5 T i p s f o r C o u n c i l 19