funerals are being arranged, we could build up our
State Chaplain’s Bursary Fund so that we could give
out more $1000 bursaries each year.
bursary for a worthy student in their 1st year of
Many of you, the Knights of Columbus Members in
Ontario have spent a significant amount of your time
working on behalf of your Council and the KofC so
why not consider making the Ontario State Knights
of Columbus Charity Foundation a beneficiary when
you pass away. At many funerals you see donation
cards for various charities. We now have KofC
donation cards to be placed in the funeral homes
across Ontario so that your family and friends
may make a donation in lieu of flowers to your
KofC Charity.
This is no small venture. As I mentioned approx.
1200 members die per year in Ontario, if only 10%
of those passing away chose to use the In-Memoriam
Program that would be 120 funerals per year.
On average the donations generated in this manner
are between $500.00 and $1,200.00 per funeral.
Even if we use the lowest number of $500.00 that
is a total of $60,000.00 per year with 25% or
$15,000.00 going back to your Council where
you were a member. This a way of leaving a legacy
to Ontario Knights of Columbus Charity and to
your Council where you have worked so hard over
the years.
Dan is shaved by State Secretary, Alain Cayer
Post-Secondary Education and allow us to grant
a seventh (7th) bursary.
Simply send in your Donation to the State Office,
clearly marked “Bursary –State Advocate”.
Please contact me if you want more info;
705.254.8719 or email me at [email protected]
One (1) Extra Bursary will be given out as a result
of funds generated through the “Shave our Advocate
for Bursaries Campaign” for a total of Six (6)
bursaries given out in June 2014.
Thank you to those of you who rose to the Challenge
prior to the December District Deputies’ meeting,
when a total of $1,300.00 was raised at that time,
and my beard of 32 years was shaved off!
If we could raise an additional $700.00 as part of
the “Shave our Advocate for Bursaries Campaign”
this would assist in accumulating another $1000
S h a v e
o u r
A d v o c a t e
f o r
B u r s a r i e s
C a m p a i g n