The question is why are Councils doing this?
There is a set procedure as to how a Council should
operate. What we are finding is a significant number
of Councils that are not following proper procedure.
Thus when we are not following proper procedure
we end up spending more time on the mundane
and not on what counts service to all.
In response to this situation the State Board has
instituted Diocesan Review Teams. These teams
are being set up to assist Councils and District
Deputies to maintain consistent operational and
financial record keeping across the province.
O u r
L o t t e r y . . . a
T o o l
f o r
When Councils are operating in accordance with
the Constitution and by-laws there is less time
wasted in these areas more time can be directed
to doing good works within your churches,
communities and assisting your families.
Why would we not want to participate in the
Review Teams to ensure the seamless operation
of our Councils? We encourage members who
are qualified to volunteers for the Teams.
Peter Lemon
State Treasurer
Y o u r
C h a r i t y
S u c c e s s