Knight Life | Page 3

Knight Life staff

Faculty Advisor:

Matt Ledesma

[email protected]

Student Staff:

Jake Abernathy

Denica Palomo

Connor Lane

Kyle Button


Notre Dame Catholic School




We goin to the ship...

November gave us a lot to be thankful for this year.

We're always thankful for family and friends. And our school. And for the opportunity to eat way too much turkey on Thanksgiving Day. These in themselves are already a bundle of blessings.

And now we have Notre Dame Knight football in December.

As our boys fight to lay claim to the title of best in the state of Texas, the Knight Life looks back on this magical run. We give thanks for the chance to witness history. But most of all, we are thankful for the way this group of talented and faithful young men have represented NDCS.

Good luck and God bless the Notre Dame Knights. Go take state! Onward to victory!