Klerksdorp Weddings #3 January 2014 | Page 45

2.TRUST YOUR PARTNER, TRUST YOURSELF: The second and very important rule is on the age old TRUST thing. Learn to trust your partner when he/she does have their time out. When they have their time with friends or their time to do something that they enjoy, do NOT keep checking and questioning to see if they are where they say they are and doing what they said they would. This also applies to when they are back home from their time out, do not question. How would you feel if you are out with friends and constantly being checked on or your integrity questioned. Trust who you are in this arrangement as well. If you have self-esteem issues, this will not work.

3.INTEGRITY ABOVE ALL: The third rule is based on trust. When you are in a marriage where the partners allow one another time alone, ensure that your integrity remains intact. This opportunity to be away to enjoy friends or activities that our partners might not enjoy is not permission to cheat or indulge in things you would not do if your partner is there. Ensure that you do not succumb to peer pressure and be coaxed into something that will endanger the trust relationship in your marriage.

4.BE HONEST, CARE AND SHARE: Fourth rule is on honesty, caring and sharing. When you have had time out, be honest with your partner on where you have been, who you were with and what you did. Even if you did go crazy for a while. It is easier for a partner to hear it from you than to hear it from someone else. Care enough to let your partner know you will be late, that you have arrived at your destination or that you are on your way home. Although this is something that Males tend to detest, please remember that this is not a way to check on you, but to check if you are ok. Finally, share your experiences with your marriage partner. It will allow them to get to know parts of your personality that you might not normally reveal, but also learn about what it is that you are not finding at home.

5.MAKE TIME TOGETHER – LIKE YOU DO FOR TIME APART: The most important rule of all is rule number 5! If you have time for friends or activities you like and are allowed to indulge in these, remember to allow time for only the two of you, away from distractions, to have fun and discover one another. During this time, try to do something that you would not normally do, discover things together that neither have done before. Your partner should be a friend too and someone that you would like to spend time with.

When entering marriage, you are entering a relationship that is meant to last for the remainder of your life. That is, for the next 40 to 60 years. In order to ensure that this relationship will stay strong, it is important to ensure that both partners are entering a relationship that will survive together and apart. If one partner always feels trapped, or one partner always feel neglected, it will leave the door wide open to start exploring elsewhere or to enter into activities that will give them what they are looking for, and not finding.
