Klerksdorp Weddings #3 January 2014 | Page 29

Avoid The Rush

As mentioned many times in Klerksdorp Weddings, go for Friday or Sunday, or Autumn instead of Spring. Most vendors are more than willing to cut a deal since it means business on a usually non-profitable day.

The Client is Queen

You don’t like their attitude? Walk away. They won’t throw in a dancefloor but their competitor will? Walk away. The wedding industry relies heavily on word-of-mouth reputation. Vendors are far more likely to treat you like a Queen so that you will give them a good reference to your boss, friends, family, colleagues, your entire social network …. And if they don’t, just walk away. There is another vendor that will welcome your business.

Itemise everything

Make sure the quotes you receive are fully itemised. Vendors often charge for hidden extra’s that you do not need, so have them removed from the calculation.

Be Nice

You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. The right choice of words and voice tone is priceless in negotiation. Don’t go the route of “Last year you gave Shirley a huge discount and I think you can do it for me too” . Instead, a polite “Perhaps you would consider a discount if we did this or that from our side?”. Remember the honey ….

But Don’t Be Too Nice

Yes, really. What we mean is, have the guts to just ask! Can you add coffee during dessert at no expense?

So he fell in love with you because you are the kindest, most gentle woman he has ever met.

But such sweetness is not going to help you win the budget war.

If you go an hour over time at the reception, will it be ok? If you have a venue that is catering, ask for a simple signature cocktail to be thrown into the price for free if you take an extra dessert. Just ask!

Watch out for extra charges built in before you sign a contract with a vendor.

A charge per head if you bring your own décor? Cake plating fee? Be very aware of fees for waiters – if you have a cash bar, and buffet dinner, they are only needed to clear off tables after dessert. Again – be polite, but be informed – “Given the total invoice, I was hoping to pay less for xxx”. Just ask!

Negotiating... with wedding vendors
