don’t have a cat door but simply let
the cat in and out as it demands.
What facilities will my cat or kitten need?
We all know that a cat needs food
and water and, if it stays indoors or
is fearful of going out, a litter tray.
However, there’s a bit more to it than
that. More often than not we line up
the food, the water and the litter tray
so that they’re all close together and
convenient for the cat to find and use.
What’s wrong with that?
Well, given the choice, a cat will drink
well away from where it eats and will
definitely eat and drink far away from
where it goes to the toilet. Understanding a cat means understanding
the need to separate these important
Here are things you will need:
A litter tray and litter
A cosy bed - It is not just the shape,
size or fabric of a bed that matters,
it can often be simply the position of
the bed that will either attract or deter
a cat from using it. Cats feel better
higher up from where they don’t have
to worry about what’s above and can
see what’s happening below. There
are lots to choose from and the top favourite will probably be your own bed!
Safe places - cats need to have high
places within a house to retreat to or
just retire to for a safe, quiet nap, or
to get out of the way of some household activity or visitor (person or
dog). For more nervous cats this can
be a godsend – somewhere to relax.
Of course, cats also love cosy warm
beds and o