Kingsgate Park Sports Centre Schedule & Costs | Page 2

K I NG S G AT E PA R K The story so far In March 2010, after an extensive consultation process that included a comprehensive and wide-ranging study into how Winchester College operates, its current landholding and future needs, a Campus Conservation and Development Framework was produced. A master-plan was subsequently developed for the southern part of the campus, which is the least constrained part of the School and provides the greatest potential for redevelopment, avoiding the more historically and environmentally sensitive areas of the College campus. The Kingsgate Park Project, as part of the Southern Campus Development, will deliver a new centre of sporting excellence – a state- of-the-art complex that will meet the needs of Wykehamists for generations to come. Additionally, we will be taking the opportunity to improve academic teaching facilities for Design Technology, to centralise the School’s Support Departments and move the Medical Centre (Sanatorium) to a more central location.