Kilsyth Anderson Newsletter August 2013 | Page 3

Summer Fayre

Summer Fayre

Kilsyth Anderson Parish Church had a very successful Summer Fayre on Saturday 8 th June when a total of £ 2,800 was realised for the Church Fabric Fund . The Work Party who organised the Fayre wish to thank all those who gave donations and assisted in any way . They also wish to thank those who attended and provided marvellous support .
The Work Party started in 1979 to raise funds for a badly- needed new heating system . Amounts collected over the 35 years since then amounts to an amazing £ 158,500 . These collections have all gone to the Fabric Fund , which has enabled us to maintain our beautiful Church , Halls and Manse in suchexcellent condition . We are indebted to the organising ladies of the Work Party , supported by gentlemen helpers , for such a colossal achievement . Some ladies have served all of these 35 years and additional lady volunteers are urgently required to organise future fayres . The ladies meet on Tuesday evenings at 7pm during the two months before each fayre . If any lady is interested in joining this fantastic team , please talk to Anne McLean or Nan Kinvig .


Collections from Churches and the proceeds of the Coffee Morning this year raised a grand total of
£ 2,883 . The collections and donations made by District churches were gratefully appreciated . Special thanks are due to Burns & Old Parish Church for holding the Coffee Morning and to all those who donated home baking There are so many needy folk around the world and it is great that the local community have again responded to the appeal . ( Charlie Waddell )