Kilsyth Anderson Newsletter August 2013 | Page 2

Letter from the Manse …….

The sun is shining as I write this article and Lynne and I are preparing for our summer break . Looking back over these past months it has surprised me just how quickly time has flown past . In a relatively short period we have felt ourselves become more settled in the manse and also into the rhythm of church life here at Kilsyth Anderson . Again I want to thank you all for your part in making that happen . As I look beyond the holidays I can see exciting times ahead . Part of my excitement lies with the strategy task groups which have recently been set up involving people from the Kirk Session and congregation who will be reviewing key aspects of our mission and ministry and working towards a set of plans for the future . I would very much appreciate if you would hold the work of these groups in prayer . The groups being formed are :
Membership – Examining how we can grow in our fellowship and how we might effectively offer pastoral care to those in need .
Ministry – At Kilsyth Anderson there is such a wealth of talent contained in and around the congregation . This group will be looking to give encouragement and help to men and women find their particular place in the life , work and structures of the church .
Maturity – As we all seek to grow in grace and in Christian love this group will examine the opportunities available to develop and deepen our spiritual life . One particular area of examination will be the development of small groups Mission – We are called to reach out into our community with the love and power of our God and our Lord . This workgroup will evaluate how we can be more effective in presenting the Gospel invitation to this time and generation Worship – At the heart of our church activity is our gathering for worship . This key area will be looked at to see how we might praise and honour our God as well as learn the unchanging message of salvation in new and relevant ways with young and old alike . How will we utilise modern technology , how will we encourage our young people , how will we encompass the needs and aspirations of worship across all the age groups ?
Youth – Kilsyth Anderson is blest with a good number of young people involved in our youth organisations . There is however a need to see that good work expanded and developed . Outreach to children and young people will also be on the agenda of this group . You have above just a flavour of topics being researched and worked on as we move towards the new church session after the summer holidays . It is important for us all to share together , pray together and work together that God is glorified in and through this church . I look forward to partnering with you in this task in the days ahead . For now , I pray that you all find rest and refreshment through the summer .
Yours in His name . Allan S Vint .