Kids Life Newspaper - media kit | Page 16

Kids Life is grateful to those companies and individuals that provide financial support to our newspaper, campaigns and programs and grateful in particular to our own advertisers. Many of the companies advertising within Kids Life newspaper provide invaluable products and services to families across Trinidad and Tobago. That said, within the larger context of Kids Life beliefs and policies, the newspaper has a responsibility to its readers to remain as objective as possible by ensuring a clear delineation between editorial and advertising content. We want to make sure that our readers can always trust us to provide t h e m o s t a c c u ra t e a n d n e u t ra l evaluation of news and developments in the field; occasionally these developments may concern companies and organizations which have provided d o n a t i o n s t o K i d s L i fe t h r o u g h sponsorship or advertising. In order to ensure that Kids Life continues to provide reliable and unbiased coverage, we have the following policies regarding editorial and advertising copy. ✓ All ads within the newspaper must be clearly recognizable as such. The editors reserve the right to clarify or mark submitted advertisements that do not meet these standards. ✓ Newspaper copy will not be shown to outside sources(whether those sources are interviewees, sponsors, advertisers, or other interested parties) prior to publication. ✓ We reserve the right to refuse any advertising that we feel conflicts with the mission and goal of Kid Farmer newspaper. ADVERTISING POLICIES