Kids India Magazine September 2022 | Page 25

Studio Lab Be a YouTuber , Science4you
Toys and games based on social media
Some of the most innovative examples of new toys and games based on these technologies are the ones that help children create interesting videos . With that in mind , Lego created Vidiyo , a wonderful new way of creating new things with Lego bricks in a way that is relevant to the current generation of children .
There are also toys focused on children uploading fun semi-professional videos to social media . Some of these toys are even presented in a way that suggests that kids can become YouTubers or TikTokers by using the accessories included in the game . That is the case of Studio Creator by Canal Toys or the games by Science4you , Studio Lab Be a YouTuber and Pranks Lab Be a TikToker .
These toys and games allow children to use technologies in a way that promotes their creativity in different aspects , for instance by designing their own accessories to show in their videos such as in the game Let ’ s Glow Studio by Smyths Toys .
TikTok is encouraging children to practise various skills and participate in challenges . This is influencing our industry as there is an increase in the offer and demand for toys that are based on meeting challenges of all kinds .
Most challenges on TikTok are wonderful for children as they encourage them to practice their abilities in their fields of interest . Thanks to TikTok , children are now dancing , moving , being active more than ever ! Even dance academies are offering classes focused on choreographies from TikTok due to the platform ’ s popularity .
Kids India E-Magazine - September 2022 | Page 25