motivated assistants who know how to energise people to act on the ground . This brings us back to the topic of contexts . If you understand how to make the relevant contexts the focal point , then you can offer multiple perspectives of your product portfolio . If you do not offer these contexts , everything rests on just one criterion : the price . You are then instantly comparable with the whole world .
5 . BE AN EXPERIENCE We see a very strong shift in people ’ s values towards celebrating life rather than owning things . Instead of wanting to buy cars , for instance , young people are looking to invest in the latest exercise trends and extreme sports or travel . Anyone wondering how to spend their day on a beautiful summer morning can decide whether they would prefer to go for a cycle or swim or hit the shops . If a brick-and-mortar store can succeed in offering the same recreational value as sport , for example , with additional inspirations , it will be the frontrunner . But a change of attitude is essential for this : the basic philosophy switches from “ sales per square metre ” to “ experience per square metre ”. There are already lots of current examples of retailers who are proving excellent at this . If you can get people excited about your store using the simple methods described above , you will be rewarded over the long term .
Hardly a week goes by without a trade journal reporting on big investments in these aspects . From food discounters and fashion sellers to the construction industry , a major shift in just such a direction can be seen .
Best practice – the book store experience
After many retailers were forced to close their doors due to a shift in sales , a powerful rethink changed the industry . It had enjoyed fortress-like protection for decades through fixed book pricing , which meant it never developed the antibodies for an alternative strategy . After years of looking for a solution , booksellers are now creating environments for people who want to spend time in a lounge atmosphere and , quite incidentally , buy books as well , oddly enough .
A phrase that has been a fact of life for retailers for centuries has never meant so much as it does now : you snooze , you lose . All the more reason to address your value proposition . Exciting times !
Author : Frank Rehme , gmvteam
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