5 BUSINESS-BOOSTING STRATEGIES FOR BRICK - AND - MORTAR RETAILERS It is high time that we dispel the notion that brick-and-mortar stores are at a disadvantage relative to online retailers. This may hold true in certain exceptional cases in terms of opening hours. In other respects, brick - and - mortar retailing can be way ahead of the competition, if it so chooses. Take this scenario, for instance: Just imagine there were no brick-and-mortar stores and people had only ever bought items online. Suddenly, someone invents real shops in which you can smell, taste and feel. Best of all: you can talk to real people if you have questions and find out about products at first hand. Everyone is thrilled and delight- ed with this new kind of recreational activity and inspi- ration! So there are wonderful opportunities when a local shop presents itself well, giving it an outright advan- tage over online retailing. However, some require- ments must also be met. All retailers should be aware of these as they have been part of the industry’s DNA for centuries. 1. THINK IN TERMS OF CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPS Essentially, retailing is all about relationship manage- ment. But this also means that you cannot indirectly foster the relationship. You will often notice nowadays that if retailers want to survey customers, they hire a market research agency. If they want to retain customers, they turn to providers of loyalty programmes such as Payback. We have basically forgotten how to engage directly with customers in local business. But direct contact is exactly what we Page 04 | Kids India Mag Issue III : April 2018 will need to focus on more intensively in the future. Do not make your customers your fans. Instead, become a fan of your customers and show them how you feel. 2. BE A RECREATIONAL OFFERING The value proposition of brick-and-mortar retailing is changing radically at the moment. It is no longer about being a vast warehouse in which your custom- ers help themselves according to their needs. Firstly, others – particularly online shops – can do that faster and more conveniently and also more cheaply in some cases. Secondly, trends such as the sharing economy and minimalism are causing people to move away from consumption. It is becoming increas- ingly difficult to sell by offering shelves and racks bursting with products. You have to convey contexts to people that are then also tied into retailing. A girls’ night experience? Great! Then offer the whole pack- age in one, with sparkling wine, snack and lingerie selections! Occasion-based consumption will move more and more into the forefront, while people will go elsewhere to simply replenish supplies. 3. BE MULTI-SENSORY People have more than just the two senses which e-commerce players can hope to target at most. This is of huge benefit to brick-and-mortar stores. Under- stand how sensory contexts arise and how smells, sounds and temperature levels affect people. 4. PEOPLE LOVE PEOPLE A local retailer’s sales staff are increasingly the key to success. But one thing is certain: this does not mean simply employing minimum-wage shelf stackers. Success can only be achieved with well-trained and