Kids India KidsIndiaMag_Issue_IV | Page 5

3. RETAINING EXISTING CUSTOMERS AND ACQUIRING NEW ONES The high numbers of visitors make trade fairs one of the most effective means of com-munication. With so many existing and potential customers clustered in one location, exhibitors benefit in a number of ways: This presents an opportunity to build on existing cus- tomer relationships and boost customer loyalty. Cus- tomer requests often crystallise from dialogue with visitors. This feedback is extremely helpful for improv- ing products and services. 5. INCREASED EXPORTS Participation in international trade fairs is important for export sales. This opens up a multitude of opportuni- ties for exhibitors: Participation in overseas trade fairs cranks up exports. Companies need to spend more for the travel costs, but the benefits of an international presence are enor- mous. The high number of potential customers makes trade fairs an efficient means of promoting your business with the aim of acquiring new customers. Face - to - face contact makes it easier for exhibitors to convince interested parties of their products and services and win new customers. Trade fairs are an affordable way for small and medi- um-sized companies in particular to access interna- tional markets. Trade fairs are a unique communication tool that will remain a key element in the marketing mix in the future. 4. ATTRACTIVE TRADE FAIR OFFERS One of the reasons companies most frequently give for not participating in trade fairs is the presumed ex- pense involved. But few know that organisers have many attractive of-fers aimed especially at new ex- hibitors: Many organisers offer special packages for new ex- hibitors, such as lower stand prices. Apart from the discounts available, first-time exhibi- tors are usually offered a great deal of support as well. The organiser’s experience, especially in respect of organi-sational aspects, can be beneficial to a new ex- hibitor. If eligible, take advantage of state-funded pro- grammes for trade fairs at home and abroad. Accord- ing to an AUMA study, 22% of exhibitors manage to keep their budget under €10,000 and 7% under €5,000. Author: Spielwarenmesse eG Kids India Mag Issue IV : June 2018 | Page 03