Kids India KidsIndiaMag_Issue_IV | Page 4

5 REASONS WHY TRADE FAIRS MATTER IN THE MARKETING MIX Trade fairs remain one of the most important communication tools, especially in B2B environments. So why do some companies still not consider taking part in trade fairs? The Association of the German Trade Fair In- dustry (Ausstellungs- und Messe-Ausschuss der Deutschen Wirtschaft e. V. - AUMA) has looked into this issue in some detail. Reasons for not participating include costs, lack of time and staff and the amount of organisation in- volved. But how does participating in trade fairs bene- fit companies? Why should they still consider this tried-and-tested marketing tool, even now in the dig- ital age? 1. TRADE FAIRS AS AN INNOVATION PLATFORM Competition based on quality has dramatically inten- sified in recent years, along with the pressure to inno- vate, grow and succeed in the global economy. Trade fairs provide an ideal platform for demonstrating inno- vation and tackling competition head on: They create high market transparency due to the many competitors represented at industry trade fairs. Participants get a comprehensive picture of the range of products and services on offer as well as price/per- formance ratios and market trends, helping to steer Page 02 | Kids India Mag Issue IV : June 2018 them towards future business success. Cooperative arrangements can be formed with other companies. 2. PRODUCT PRESENTATIONS WITH A PERSONAL TOUCH AND HANDS-ON EXPERIENCES For most companies, showcasing new products and services is the main benefit of taking part in trade fairs. Presenting products in person can boost sales suc- cess in many respects: All the senses can be appealed to, so that visitors enjoy an immersive event experience. By actively testing products at the trade fair, visitors can see for themselves their functionality and quality. Exhibitors can respond directly to customer queries and requests and impress with their expertise and passion. Offering both professional product presenta- tion and hands-on product testing demonstrates a focus on the customer.