Online sales are on the rise , so it is now becoming more relevant than ever to improve the customer experience in brick-and-mortar stores . A great way to do so is by implementing a multi-sensory marketing approach . That means to take into consideration how consumers are going to experience the store with all of their senses ; not only by sight , but also smell , hearing , and touch .
Some companies are already aware of the potential of this approach , but it is not being put into practice by the industry as a whole yet . However , experts point out that , as senses are tied to our memories , it is more likely for a customer to remember a store if they have a positive sensory experience in it . In fact , retailers are starting to realize that by stimulating the senses in the right way , they can even influence emotions and moods , improving the chances of creating a lasting impression on consumers . Therefore , it might really be worthwhile for the toy sector to embrace a more multi-sensory design and marketing approach in general .
Offering the right sensory experience for your customer
There are different factors to consider when creating the right sensory ambiance in your store . One of the most important elements to have in mind is , of course , your customers . It is key to understand how they behave , and what they would like to experience when they are in your store . For instance , studies show that if a customer likes
the music they hear in a store , there is a higher chance that they will end up buying something . So , have you ever taken into consideration what style of music your target audience likes ? Well , this question might be more important than you thought .
A challenge that we have to face is that we need to appeal to the sensory experience of not only parents , but their children as well . This can be complex , but it is not impossible . One major thing to keep in mind about children is that most of them do not enjoy the shopping experience , as stores are usually places full of exciting things that they are not allowed to touch . A store that uses the multi-sensory approach well will surprise and captivate children visually , but also allow them to keep their other senses free to be active and engaged . A wonderful place where children are actually allowed to just be kids , to move around , touch everything they want to , sense smells , sounds , and in general , actually play ! I always think about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory when imagining this kind of place . And there are certainly some toy stores that have accomplished becoming something magical like that . One of the best examples is the JouJou Toy Store at The Grand America Hotel in Salt Lake City , US : it is an extraordinary place where children are delighted by all of its amazing features and its beautifully designed interactive experience .
The work of Maria Yasko inspires design for the senses . Her interior design project Moomin Valley , which is an idea
Kids India E-Magazine - March 2022 | Page 23