Kids India Issue IX December 2021 | Page 8

The new Special Area

Dolphins were seen in the Bosporus again ; turtles returned to beaches in Thailand ; coral reefs recovered ; and the air in New Delhi was so clear for the first time in decades that the Himalayas could be seen in the distance . The pandemic – with its enforced standstill over the last two years – has shown us that at least the environment has already benefited greatly . At the same time , we were clearly demonstrated the impact that humans have on the climate . are already among the most important toys in children ’ s bedrooms during the early childhood development phase . In addition , there are now countless other natural materials that can be used to make toys . The palette ranges from bamboo to wool and rubber via cork or corn .
Even as far back as 2011 , the Spielwarenmesse recognised the immense importance of the topic of sustainability and set up a special show all about sustainable products . As one of the three toy trends for 2020 , Spielwarenmesse presented Toys 4 Future : a variety of toys that bring children closer to the issues of sustainability and environmental awareness . This trend was very well received by visitors , exhibitors and the international press .
For us , this is one reason to give sustainability an even bigger platform in 2022 and to devote ourselves fully to this topic digitally and on site . Concisely and clearly condensed background knowledge , interesting data and facts on the subject of sustainability as well as talks by experts round off the special Toys go Green area in Hall 3A .
Together with experts , we have defined four different categories .
Made by Nature
At some time in their life , almost every child has created a new world using wooden blocks , building everything from a simple tower to a car racing track or circus – basically anything the child ’ s imagination can think of . Wooden toys
Inspired by Nature
What do certain sandpit toys , diggers or dolls have in common with maize , sugar cane or wood ? A strange connection , at first glance . But it is possible to produce plastics with all these renewable raw materials . Normally , crude oil , coal or natural gas are used to produce plastic . However , these fossil resources are not going to be available forever and are slowly becoming scarce . Making
Page 8 | Kids India Magazine - Dec 2021