Step 4: Learn the Signs of Healthy Roadkill
-Look for freshness. Look for clear eyes, fleas still active in the fur, fresh blood, etc.
-Avoid roadkill that has maggots, flys or other scavenging insects or rodents.
-If an animal's eyes are cloudy or white, the animal may not be as fresh but is still edible.
Step 5: Avoid Getting Rabies
Make sure all meat is thoroughly cooked to kill off any rabies. Rabies dies off pretty quickly after the animal is dead, but you can never be too sure.
Step 6: Butcher the Carcass
Gut the animal and discard all organs. Organs spoil quickly and should not be eaten.
Step 7: Cook the Meat Thoroughly
This step is essential to make sure all remaining rabies, parasites or infections are killed off. Well done is always best when you don't have a thermometer.