Party Gone Wrong - Uh Oh!!
It wasn’t very long ago that I was at a party with my friends that turned into a party of us all heading home. Last weekend on Saturday night, so May 31st, my friends and I got invited to a party that was hosted outside; these are often referred to as “bush parties.” I have never been to one but everyone from school was going and we couldn’t miss out, obviously. This wasn’t really an invite party since it wasn’t at someone’s house, so basically anyone that knew about it could have come. The week before the party, it was the talk of the whole school. However, a few days before was when I knew that it was going to get busted sometime during the night because a student from another school told his dad who is a cop about the party. Apparently he told him because his ex-girlfriend was going and he didn’t want her to have fun; they must’ve had a messy breakup. Anyways, my friends and I of course still went even though we knew it was going to get busted. Since the party was in Beamsville, we got a ride there from my mom and walked up a path to the party where there was a huge bonfire and a lot of people. I would say there were around 100 people there, and I didn’t know everyone, but most of them. We got there at around 9:30 and at around 11:45 or 12:00, the cops came with their flashlights. They didn’t do anything other than tell us to leave, so we walked back out to the road and got a ride home from my friends dad. Even though the guy told his policeman father about the party, I still believe that it was the fireworks that made the cops come. Someone at the party brought fireworks that you can set off by just lighting them and putting them on the ground, so they would throw them where crowds of people were standing, forcing us to run away so we didn’t get burnt by them. Whoever was doing that was stupid because anyone could’ve gotten hurt. One time they put one right by my foot and I had to run out of the way before it went off. Luckily, I moved fast enough so it didn’t touch me, but it was very dangerous and that was a bad idea on their part. So to say the least, I was happy that it got busted because first of all, I wasn’t having fun since it was kind of boring, and second, I didn’t want to get injured by the fireworks that were being lit off near people. The good thing was that the cops didn’t talk to people or anything crazy like that, they just wanted us to leave; probably because of the noise compaints.