After eating a heavy meal, all you want to do is lie down on the couch and have a nice sleep, but how do you burn off the calories of that burger you just had if you are sleeping? Actually, there is a way. By turning down your thermostat while you sleep, your metabolism revs up.
There was a study done by researchers to prove this very unusual way to lose weight where 31 healthy people split up and half slept in a 75-degree room while the other half slept in a 66-degree room. After recording the results, they observed that the people who slept in the colder room actually burned 7% more calories than the people that slept in the warmer room. They said that it was most likely due to the fact that their bodies were working to raise their core body temperature to a stable 98.6 degrees. By turning your thermostat to 66-degrees while sleeping, you could burn an extra 100 calories in 24 sleeping hours. Even though that isn’t a crazy amount, over the course of your sleeping hours, it definitely adds up.
However, when turning your thermostat down before hopping into bed, you shouldn’t put on warm pajamas or pile on the blankets or else you will not see results. So, if you want to lose a few pounds, tough it out in the cold and don’t hesitate to turn down the temperature before dozing off.
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