KIA&B November/December 2021 | Page 4



Kansas Insurance Agent & Broker
November / December 2021 • Vol . 26 , No . 6
For those of you who aren ' t familiar with the MidAmerica Insurance Conference ( MAIC ), it ’ s a conference that brings industry stakeholders together to affect positive changes in property-casualty coverage , forms , rules , and other technical aspects to enhance the independent agency system ’ s ability to serve customers . Each year this group drafts nearly 30 recommended coverage enhancements presented to ISO , ACORD , and NCCI . These suggested changes directly respond to suggestions from independent agents from all over the country . This year , Maria Dressman from the Elliott Group was installed as the Chairperson of the Insurance Intelligence Committee , the Board that oversees the MAIC . Congratulations , Maria , and thanks for your leadership !
It ’ s my reminder of the power of putting in the work to thoroughly understand the product you are selling , including the policy details and having a customer-focused risk management approach . Knowing coverage can help solve your customer ' s problems , and solving problems is what builds loyalty . Agencies should be selling based on their value to customers and not price . Is your staff equipped to do so ? If not , it ' s time to invest in building your team into true insurance professionals .
Speaking of changes , you will learn about some new coverage enhancements coming to our E & O program in this edition of the magazine . These changes will offer more ways to save on your deductible through documentation of customer files , make some additional coverages outside the limit of liability , expand covered activities , and support agents with continuity of operations .
We look forward to seeing everyone at the KAIA Annual Convention in Wichita , January 24-26 . We can ' t wait to see you , and please reach out if you need anything .
Stay humble , kind , and thankful ,
OFFICERS OF KAIA President : Doug Smart | doug @ smart-ins . com President-Elect : JoErin Stuteville | joerin @ elliottinsurancegroup . com VP / Treasurer : Lucas Raleigh | lucas @ releighinsurance . biz Secretary / Assistant Treasurer : Kevin O ’ Brien | kevin . obrien @ reillyinsurance . com National Director : Cindy Hower | chower @ kellermaninsurance . com Immediate Past President : Kristy Wilson | kwilson @ kellermaninsurance . com
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Zone I Director : Shawn Myers | Smyers @ kellerlleopold . com Zone II Director : Bryan Schmitz | bryanschmitz @ sbsins . com Director-at-Large : Brock Elliott | Brock @ elliottinsurancegroup . com Director-at-Large : David Vogel | dvogel @ provalueins . com Director-at-Large David Sanders | Dave . Sanders @ imacorp . com Young Agents Chair : Bryce Hundley | bryce @ hundleyinsurance . com
KAIA STAFF & CONSULTANTS Executive Director : Dave Hulcher Chief Operating Officer / General Counsel : Beth Smoller Vice President of Finance : Shannon Bower Director of Business Development : Josh Goodman E & O Program Administrator : Barb Wise Marketing & Communication Manager : Chrissey Breault Prof Development & Events Manager : Karlyn Judd Office Coordinator : Barb Cobuluis Account Managers : Valerie Dunnam & Carolyn Rouse KAIA Lobbyist : Dan Murray