KIA&B Nov/Dec 2022 | Page 25

also addresses the personal lines or / homeowner ’ s insurance issues . Also , while the first part of the course is an examination of the ways in which law and risks are changing , part of the second portion of the course is an interactive , case-study examination of the coverage issues that already exist and have been decided in other states .
The chief objective of the course is to have students gain a wide-ranging sensitivity for the issues they might encounter if asked to insure a dispensary ( or a home-grower , too ). A secondary objective is to bring people up-to-date on state and federal treatment of marijuana and allied products . Another secondary objective is to have insurance personnel become sensitive to the coverage issues which may arise connected to marijuana , especially in the situations in which the risk has not been thoroughly previewed and underwritten before the loss .
10 Objectives Every Successful Agency Practices with Kelly Donahue-Piro 3 GEN ( Pending )
No need to recreate the wheel ! In the 700 agencies we have worked with , Agency Performance Partners has been able to nail down 10 successful agencies consistently . The key to success is consistency in practicing these 10 objectives :
1 . Routine work and development of agency culture 2 . Development of a forever recruiting strategy 3 . Consistent agency meetings on site and off site 4 . Identification of agency leadership within all team members 5 . Detailed performance feedback 6 . Goal setting with incentive plans and clear goal tracking 7 . Relentless pursuit of maximizing agency technology 8 . Constant training and development of people 9 . Investments in marketing and branding 10 . Clear identification of agency target markets
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Breakout Sessions ( pick one )
You Be the Jury ... with Rick Pitts 3 GEN ( Pending )
Seminar participants are given actual cases ( typically involving coverage determinations ) and are asked to decide the case in a group setting . Each jury is then asked to report to the group as a whole , and the actual case result is then discussed .
Building the Best Team Ever : Creating a Professional Development Plan with Patrick Wraight 3 GEN ( Pending )
For many in the insurance industry , education is a numbers game . How many CE hours do I have ? How many CE hours do I need ? How can I keep my license without investing too much time or money into it ? Yet , if you want to build a successful team that grows and changes with insurance , the business landscape , and economic troubles , you need a professional development plan . This session is designed to be interaction and the outcome should be a process that can be applied to any size team to create a short-term and long-term professional development plan .
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Breakout Session
Economic Pressures and Getting Insurance Right with Cheryl Koch 2 GEN ( Pending )
This session will explore the current economic conditions and how they affect the insurance industry . With the highest inflation rates in 40 years , do we see a slowdown ? Are we in a recession ? Will near-record farm commodity prices and input costs continue ? Learn how to respond to these economic forces to stabilize your book of farm and ranch business . For insurers , find out how to remain or become profitable during these tough times . For agents , identify and resolve possible errors and omissions exposure due to coverage gaps and underinsurance .
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Breakout Session
Building Valuation : Why Getting It Right Is So Important with Cheryl Koch 2 GEN ( Pending )
A correct building valuation is vital to protect your policyholder or client . Obtaining and developing proper building values for a correct insurance to value is crucial to providing the appropriate structure replacement cost for the policyholder / client . Inadequate valuation of the replacement cost will be an issue when a covered loss occurs . Underinsured buildings lead to coinsurance issues as well as angry customers . This session will also cover errors found on apps , what constitutes total building square footage , and the resources available to obtain accurate information . With the continued rising costs of construction materials and labor , getting the valuation right is more important than ever .
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