KIA&B Nov/Dec 2022 | Page 24


2:30 PM - 4:00 PM Breakout Session
Parametric Insurance : A New Way To Manage Weather-Related Risk with Cheryl Koch 2 GEN ( Pending )
Parametric insurance has exploded in popularity in recent years , particularly for use cases involving weather-related risks like flooding , drought , high-wind events , and more . Learn the basics of how parametric solutions differ from traditional cover , discover the pros and cons of parametric offerings , and identify opportunity areas to incorporate parametric products into an overall risk management program for agribusiness clients .
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Breakout Sessions ( pick one )
Farm Liability ( Part 1 ) with Cheryl Koch 6 GEN ( Pending )
A normal farming operation consists of such things as cultivation of soil , production of crops , raising of livestock , and other incidental operations like operating a roadside stand on the premises . One of the unique aspects of farm liability is that the farm premises can consist of a combination of residential and commercial exposures . This course looks at the various liability loss exposures present and answers the question , “ In what situations can a farmer or rancher be held legally responsible for incidents that happen on the farm premises or from products raised on the farm and later sold ?”
Disruptions : Two Collapsing Markets , One Growing Market , and the Mystery of Tech with Patrick Wraight 3 GEN ( Pending )
Insurance is an industry of constant change . There are new exposures that become insurable or uninsurable every year . In this session , we will discuss several topics that are continuing to change by the week . We will take a look at some history , but mostly where we are today , and where it appears these exposures and risks are headed in the foreseeable future .
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Mock Trial : Personal Lines Case TBD with Rick Pitts 3 ETH ( Pending )
** Qualifies for E & O Credit and approved by Westport for E & O Risk Management Credit
The mock trial seminar is an interactive seminar in which the participants as “ jurors ” are given the instructions , exhibits and hear live “ testimony ” prior to determining the case .
Efficiency , Sales & Retention with Kelly Donahue-Piro 3 GEN ( Pending )
Insurance is changing rapidly and this brings the opportunity to be efficient and effective with all our agency ’ s core functions . In this training we will start with identifying key efficiencies that agency ’ s can pick up so they can maximize their team ’ s time . Next , we review our recommended sales process that will help agents qualify and close more opportunities . We end the session with how to get your team to proactively work renewals for a 5 Star Customer Experience and top tier retention !
1:45 PM - 4:45 PM Breakout Sessions ( pick one )
Farm Liability ( Part 2 ) with Cheryl Koch
Continuation of morning session Farm Liability ( Part 1 )
The Next Airbender : Elemental Property Underwriting with Patrick Wraight 3 GEN ( Pending )
Property underwriting is about discovering the elements of a property . One of the most important elements is how its built . The key to construction underwriting is knowing how well the building will withstand the elements , including wind and fire . This session will detail several of the ways that the elements of building construction can affect the building ’ s underwriting .
We Call It Cannabis Now with Rick Pitts 3 GEN ( Pending )
This class is designed to be an introduction to the insurance issues related to national changes in marijuana possession and use laws . The course has a particular emphasis on examining the commercial risks , but