KIA&B Jan_Feb23_FINAL2 | Página 35

Commercial sales training is a must for every producer . You can be a top producer and still improve on your potential . Make sure you budget time for improvement in your day . •
FEATURE on why technology is beneficial to them . Start with “ Why !?” It ’ s not data entry ; it ’ s how to efficiently nurture leads . Here are a few tips for getting producers to embrace technology :
Have a beta tester : This person should be open minded and tech savvy . When you roll out the new technology , you ’ ll have social proof and an evangelist .
Test period prior to launching : Let them get comfortable before fully launching it .
Make it not optional for all : Once launched , it ’ s not optional . Appoint an agency leader who monitors usage and addresses when producers are not compliant . This is especially critical for the top producer since many people may look up to them and look the other way .
Consequences : If there is resistance , consider withholding commissions until an agreement is reached . This means things are not well , so let ’ s hope it doesn ’ t get to that . However , there ’ s a lot of time and resources wasted within the agency if this occurs .
Celebrate wins : Make sure you add this to the process .
Keep it simple : Start with launching minimal features to get the team comfortable . Then , add on something new every month or quarter . Adoption is the key to ROI . Plan for a journey when it comes to implementing technology .
As the leader of a commercial insurance team , you don ’ t want your team bogged down with unnecessary items . Nobody does . However , planning your week is a necessary and essential tool for sales success . The week isn ’ t going to plan itself and time is a producer ’ s biggest asset .
In order to get your team planning ( or you planning !) and to identify where they should be spending their time , you need a starting point .
Start by planning the week together . What are the core activities that producers need to be doing ?
• Attend networking events
• Make prospecting calls
• Review renewals
• Update their CRM tool
• Follow up
• Attend sales meetings and coaching meetings
• Education
Set the weekly plan the week before : On Fridays , have a time block to work on the plan and submit it to the sales manager or accountability partner .
Have a plan near you at all times : Move items around as needed !
Review your goals daily : There ’ s power in seeing your goal every day and working to achieve it .
Adjust and reflect on the week : What worked and didn ’ t work ? Just because something didn ’ t work , don ’ t give up . Learn why something didn ’ t happen as you intended it and use that to make you stronger .
A producer ’ s time is their biggest asset . All assets need management ! Personally , I think we should teach high school students more about time management and less about how to bake cookies in home economics .
When you know better , you can do better ! If you ’ re a producer reading this , pick one item to start with and make it a habit . Small things done consistently add up ! If you ’ re leading a sales team , this is a great resource on time management for insurance agents to share with your squad .

Commercial sales training is a must for every producer . You can be a top producer and still improve on your potential . Make sure you budget time for improvement in your day . •

Kelly Donahue-Piro , founder and president of Agency Performance Partners , is a no-nonsense effectiveness expert who has helped hundreds of insurance agencies identify and capitalize on sustainable improvements .