KIA&B Jan_Feb23_FINAL2 | Page 29

The answers were consistent across the board regardless of agency size or respondents position in the agency .
Members continue to put education classes at the top of the list of the resources they value at 76 % of total respondents . This is particularly true for the CSR / Account Managers with 87 % of respondents indicating that they value education classes . The remaining top five resources included : agency E & O , networking and events , ASCK market access , and publications .
followed by digital newsletters at 28 %. While agency principals and producers appreciate the magazine , CSR / account managers rank webinars highly as a preferred communication method . Moving forward KAIA will continue to deploy a communications strategy that utilizes various methods to share information that is important to your agency .
Agency principals put a priority on agency E & O and ASCK market access , while producers ranked networking and events second . It is also worth noting that the survey revealed that as agencies increase in size , they increasingly find value in KAIA ’ s government affairs / advocacy , legal services , and industry data / benchmarking resources .
Looking at member satisfaction with the top five resources members value , the survey revealed that on average 98.5 % of members fall into the categories of “ Extremely Satisfied ”, “ Satisfied ”, or “ Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied ”. KAIA staff will continue to monitor member satisfaction with the goal of driving more responds to the “ Extremely Satisfied ” category . If you were someone that is not satisfied with a current offerings , please reach out to me or a member of our staff to discuss how we can provide a better experience .
Preferred Communication Resources Our ability to effectively communicate with our members is critical . When asked what communication sources members prefer to receive information , 93 % of respondents preferred email . 31 % of respondents preferred our magazine which came in second
Biggest Challenges Agencies Face Top five greatest challenges facing agencies included the following :
• Hiring , training and retaining talent
• Changes in carrier appetites / coverage accessibility
• Economy
• Agency growth
• Hard market
These top five challenges were nearly universal across respondents regardless of position , agency size or geographic location . Agency principals were less concerned about the “ hard market ” and had “ increased employee costs ” as their fifth greatest challenge . However , concerns about the “ hard market ” ranked second among CSR / account managers and producers had “ economy ” in that spot .
In analyzing responses by agency size , smaller agencies