KIA&B Jan_Feb23_FINAL2 | Page 13

[ Company ] may allow exempt employees to telecommute ( i . e ., work remotely or work from home ) as a measure intended to minimize the spread of COVID-19 .
All requests to telecommute must be in writing and submitted to [ point of contact ]. All telecommuting arrangements must be approved in advance by [ Company ]. Permission to telecommute is at [ Company ’ s ] discretion and can be withdrawn at any time . Employees permitted to telecommute will be required to sign a written Temporary Telecommuting Agreement that , among other things , describes the agreed-upon hours of work , communications with the Employee ’ s supervisor , when ( if at all ) Employee will be required to report to [ Company ’ s ] offices , equipment issued to Employee , and the security of any [ Company ] equipment issued to Employee . In addition , employees permitted to telecommute must continue to abide by all employment policies , including those found in the [ Company ] Employee Handbook . Failure to follow the Temporary Telecommuting Agreement or these policies may result in discipline ( up to and including the termination of employment ) and / or the termination of the telecommuting arrangement .
This policy does not apply to requests for reasonable accommodation or occasional work from home arrangements such as in instances of inclement weather . Employees requesting to telecommute as a reasonable accommodation should follow [ Company ] procedures on requests for reasonable accommodation .
If you have any questions regarding this policy or if you have questions about telecommuting that this policy does not address , please contact [ point of contact ].
2023 JM Wilson KAIA Trucking OUTLINES . indd 1 12 / 9 / 22 10:53 AM