KIA&B 2019 November/December 2019 | Page 30

SCHEDULE WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29 1:45 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. Consulate II Media Theatre Three Key CGL Issues You Can’t Afford to Ignore 3 GEN Insured status is the most crucial issue in all coverage, not just the CGL. In this session, we detail the right way to list insureds in the CGL as well as how to correct adjusters when they improperly apply the exclusion. We end discussing the differences between occurrence and claims made coverage forms. We also look at gaps that are created when and if moved from one coverage trigger to another. Chris Boggs Flood Insurance Risk Rating 2.0 3 GEN This presentation will give a broad overview of various aspects of the NFIP as it relates to Chris Flood Insurance Policies. Attendees will gain a basic working knowledge of NFIP rating, claim Parsons coverages, and mitigation techniques. There will also be information on Risk Rating 2.0 and NFIP marketing activities. 3:00 p.m. Farmers Alliance Ice Cream Social 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Hospitality Night/Cornhole Tournament THURSDAY, JANUARY 30 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Consulate III Consulate I Consulate II 30 Vertical Farming 3 GEN American farmers are expected to supply the world with a source of safe, inexpensive, and abundant food. Yet it’s not possible for us to “grow” more farmland. Enter the “vertical farmer.” Rather than growing out, we can grow up. Picture a multi-story greenhouse, climate-controlled, free of pests and disease…sort of a farming “clean room” that eliminates the need to apply most chemicals and not subject to the whims of nature. Join this exciting discussion of this emerging technology and how it can positively impact your clients and our world. Cheryl Koch The Things We Rent 3 GEN It is essential to know how to answer the question we all get, “should I buy the loss damage waiver from the rental company?”. We need to have an excellent working knowledge of how the Rusty auto policy and the homeowner’s policy handles exposures for things like rented segways, go- Deaton karts, golf carts, scooters, boats, motorhomes, and motorcycles. We also rent places and things, such as weddings and other party venues, lawn equipment, and tools. Employees, Independent Contractors, General Contractors, 3 GEN and Contractual Risk Transfer 1. For whom is the insured responsible? 2. What difference does entity type make in deciding who counts as an employee? 3. How does the work comp policy respond when an employee travels out of state to work? Doest he work comp protection follow the employee, or does Chris Boggs the state to which the worker travel create coverage problems? 4. Is the injury compensable under workers’ compensation? 5. How does or might contractual risk transfer affect workers’ compensation coverage? If the answers to these questions are not known, the insured may suffer significant out-of-pocket expenses and even fines. All CE pending approval