Scott T. Freiday has
more than 20 years of
experience in domestic
and international banking
and financial services.
Mr. Freiday is a seasoned
commercial loan officer for the bank’s lending
products for independent agents. He is adept at
lending to companies globally with a specialty
niche in financial services. His past positions include
an extensive tenure at WorldBusiness Capital, Inc.
in Hartford, CT, where he was Senior Vice President
and Managing Director. Mr. Freiday’s employment
history also includes UPS Capital Business Credit,
where he was Vice President and served in a
number of departments including Commercial
Lending, Credit and Capital Markets. Mr. Freiday is a
graduate of Trinity College with a MA in economics
and holds a BA in economics from the University of
12 to 1:30 p.m.
Commissioner, Ken
Selzer is a Certified
Public Accountant
who served as the
Executive Managing
Director for Aon Benfield and has extensive
experience in the reinsurance and reinsurance
brokerage industries. He was elected as the
Kansas Insurance Commissioner in 2014. Ken has
earned a number of professional designations,
including CPCU, ARe, and FLMI. Ken is active in
many professional, community and charitable
organizations. He is a fourth generation Kansan
growing up in McPherson and Marion counties.
Recently, Ken has been very active in the Kansas
Insurance Certificate Program by teaming with
the Kansas Insurance Education Foundation and
colleges throughout the state.
Lunch & Presentation:
Key Considerations in Agency
Acquisition and Perpetuation
This session is designed to explore the current
state of the M&A market and familiarize agency
owners and principals with the key components
of financially planning and preparing for
perpetuation of acquisition. The financial aspects
and economic case for perpetuation will be
discussed. Agency owners will be demystified of
accessing capital for growth. In addition, owners
will have a better understanding of the value of
their agency.
Breakout #1: Wefald Hall Walking
Zach has spoken at
countless schools,
conferences, and
conventions around
the country. Zach
Haney has been breaking the mold since
childhood, when he would research companies
and connect with CEO’s across the country
to learn about how they became successful.
Known as “The Teen CEO” for his book on
entrepreneurship, published at age 19. Zach is
One of America’s Top 5 Young Entrepreneurs
and a nationally requested speaker. At the age
of 16, he developed his first business and at age
20 became a franchise owner of Street Corner
News, ran for Kansas Senate, and became a
certified business coach. When he’s not on a
plane or a stage, Zach is at home in Topeka, KS,
where he spends time with his friends playing
card games that make no sense. In his free time,
he enjoys volunteering and building things.
5 to 6 p.m. President’s Reception
6 to 8:30 p.m. Leadership Awards Dinner
8:30 to 10 p.m. After-Hours & Dessert
Bob Pettinicchi - 1GEN
1:45 to 3:45 p.m.
Join us for drinks and light appetizers at the
President’s Reception welcoming KAIA’s incoming
president, Scott Strong, Strong’s Insurance, Inc.
Don’t miss the insurance celebration of the year!
This business casual banquet honors the leaders
and most influential people in our industry. The
evening will feature dinner, officer installation of
KAIA incoming board leaders and an unveiling of
our Kansas Insurance Industry award recipients.
Attire for the event is business casual.
Angie Heavener - 2GEN
Risk management is a value-added service that
agents can and should offer. Considering today’s
market, if all you sell is policies it is likely you will
not be able to compete with agencies that take
the broader risk management approach to their
clients’ needs. This session will demonstrate the
process of making and carrying out decisions that
will minimize the adverse effects of accidental
losses. Agents will identify hazards from a hands
on approach. The group will take a walk through
Wefald Hall, KSU’s brand new dining center and
residence hall. Attendees should wear comfortable
walking shoes and appropriate clothing to be
Breakout #2: Success X Panel
2GEN - Our version of “Ted X”
9:00 to 11:00 a.m.
october 6
Eggs & Issues
Join us for breakfast mixed with an insurance
department and legislative update. We will discuss
We believe our members ideas and insights are
some of the latest political and policy news. The
worth spreading. Join our 5 panelists, Joe Leahy,
breakfast buffet opens at 7 a.m. in the hotel lobby
Ryan Murry, Doug Smart, Cindy Hower and Josh
with the program starting at 9:00 a.m.
Goodman as they cover a range of noteworthy
| July
subjects. This panel will spark conversation