KIA&B 2017 Vol. 22, No. 4 | Page 20

lines and London markets as well as a full line of affordable coverage for independent agents to protect their agencies , including E & O , employment practices liability , cyber liability and a commercial umbrella .
“ Our goal with AScK is that when members don ’ t have a solution for their company partners , that they will look to AScK for solutions ,” he said . “ We have been expanding our market relationships to meet the needs of members .”
Another area that staff has focused on this year is educating members on how the KAIA can be a resource for members for their critical E & O insurance .
Dave addressing attendees at the 2017 Rural & Small conference . needs .”
While the growth or lack of it in rural areas are among the tests facing agents across the state , another problem is finding qualified staff .
“ Finding staff with the experience and who want to be a part of this great industry - that ’ s a challenge ,” he said .
But newly created programs aimed at producing qualified candidates for jobs in the insurance industry could be one way to overcome the obstacle and are a focus for KAIA .
Introduced last fall by the Kansas Insurance Education Fund ( KIEF ), the Kansas Insurance Certificate program gives students the opportunity to earn a certificate and experience in addition to their degree in a related field . Currently , the 12-credit-hour program is offered through the business schools at Washburn University , Fort Hays State University , the University of Kansas-Edwards Campus and at Johnson County Community College .
“ The Big ‘ I ’ Professional Liability Program , with endorsed carrier Swiss Re / Westport , is the market leader with their coverage form and claims-handling ,” Hulcher said . “ We have been working with them to become even more competitive from a pricing perspective . If this program is not the best fit for members , we have access to nearly every E & O carrier in the marketplace .”
“ I ’ m a big family guy , and always want to protect those close to me . I get worried about the agents we serve , that don ’ t place their E & O through us . I worry that I won ’ t be able to help them when an E & O claim occurs . Even though someone may offer a lower price , it comes with a risk . We are working with Swiss RE / Westport to be as competitive as possible . If members have reached out to us before , they need to reach out to us again . We want to protect our members , but we can ’ t do that if they ’ re not in our E & O program .”
Besides providing access to affordable E & O insurance , members can also take advantage of E & O audits and inhouse classes .
During the past year , Hulcher has witnessed an uptick in the number of requests the association receives for E & O audits and classes . The service is provided by KAIA Attorney Will Larson , who evaluates an agency ’ s processes
“ With programs like this , we want to work closely with colleges to inspire these young people to join the industry ,” he said . “ This won ’ t happen with a snap of our fingers . It ’ s an evolution .”
At the direction of the executive board , the primary initiative Hulcher and his staff tackled this year was focusing on providing additional markets for members to access through Agency Services Corporation of Kansas , better known to members as AScK .
AScK , is a for-profit subsidiary of KAIA , designed to help Kansas independent insurance agencies grow their business . AScK offers access to standard , excess and surplus
Dave introducing Kansas Insurance Commissioner Ken Selzer at the 2017 Kansas Legislative Day .
18 KANSAS INSURANCE AGENT & BROKER | July - August 2017 |