KIA&B 2017 Vol. 22, No. 4 | Page 12

QUESTION & ANSWER: E&O & recording phone conversations Q This week we met with both our phone vendor and our management information system vendor to discuss our ability to record incoming and outgoing telephone conversations and being able to save the conversations in our computer system. Our phone system can do this and our computer server has the capacity to handle the additional data. Currently, all voice messages are captured on our telephones and in our computer. Most voice messages get deleted after we listen to the voice message unless there is some material information on the voice message. It is my understanding that with telephone conversations we will not be able to delete them once they get into our computer system. thing relative to our E&O. It will be better than relying on handwritten notes and will certainly be able to clearly determine what was or was not said, good or bad. I would like to know whether you have other insureds that are doing this. Is this something E&O insurers encourage their insureds to do? Has this helped or hurt agents in E&O situations? A We ran this by the VU faculty and some E&O gurus. Below are their responses, collectively referred to as “Faculty Response” in each instance. This is an emerging issue so we don’t have any definitive recommendations, just some preliminary thoughts. We suggest seeking competent legal counsel. “I believe recording of phone conversations will be a good 10 KANSAS INSURANCE AGENT & BROKER | July - August 2017 |