KIA&B 2017 Vol. 22, No. 4 | Page 11

YAK YOUNG AGENTS of KANSAS Carol Grudowski Years in Industry: 14 Contact Info: [email protected] M&M Insurance Associates, 1700 E. Douglas, Wichita, KS 67214 office 316-264-9317 | fax 316-264-9317 HOW DID YOU GET INTO THE INDUSTRY? I was previously in the healthcare industry, when I realized that I wanted to help Medicare patients who were purchasing poor supplemental policies. In 2003, I walked in to the Wood-Dulohery Agency in Parsons and applied for a job. Bob and Mike hired me, trained me and helped me get licensed. I’ve been in the industry since. Carol Grudowski CIC, CISR WHAT IS YOUR GREATEST REWARD AS AN INDEPENDENT INSURANCE AGENT? My clients’ satisfaction and the personal “thank-yous” from them. The reason I do what I do, is to help clients. It is my ultimate reward to see their business succeed. The trust they build in me, as their agent, is a great honor and I am truly happy to help them thrive. WHAT BENEFITS DO YOUNG AGENTS BRING TO THE INDUSTRY? WOULD YOU ENCOURAGE YOUR OWN CHILDREN TO BE IN THE INSURANCE INDUSTRY? Drive, desire to learn and spirit. I would. Of course I would like them to pursue their own passions, but I also believe that finding a passion in the insurance industry would be very possible if given an opportunity, as it was with me. HOW DO YOU SEE THE INDUSTRY CHANGING IN THE NEXT 5-10 YEARS? Insurance agencies will have to entice young people to enter into the industry in many new ways that have not been used before. In an industry where there is not a lot of interest, outside of family members of the principals or existing employees, it is extremely difficult to attract young talent. However, with many valuable skills that the insurance industry provides, such as sales, customer service, and the opportunity to learn about business operations, we can expect to see new and exciting ways to recruit young professionals. WHO/WHAT HAVE BEEN YOUR GREATEST RESOURCES IN THIS INDUSTRY AND WHY? Mentors and my fellow Young Agents. I have discussed many things with them and they are always willing to share experiences and resolutions that are helpful to other young agents in many of the same situations. Also another valuable resource is the continuing education classes that go far beyond what my annual requirements are, as well as training classes offered by our companies. If there are free classes or webinars available, and if it is relative to my role in the agency, I try to fit these in to my schedule. The knowledge gained by these opportunities is priceless. WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU LIKE TO SHARE WITH PRINCIPALS WHO HAVE BEEN IN THE BUSINESS MORE THAN 10 YEARS? Learn from your agents, and teach them everything you know. Use one another’s experiences and knowledge. Apply their skills where they fit best. WHAT ARE YOUR FUTURE PLANS? I would like to continue to be a valuable asset to my agency and bring new ideas and my knowledge of many different facets of the industry into the agency. Upon retiring I plan to travel the country with my husband. WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO AN INCOMING YOUNG AGENT? 1. Find a mentor, someone with experience who can help guide you. Be open to their advice. 2. Network with other young agents who are more than likely experiencing the some of the same challenges. 3. Take advantage of as many training opportunities as you can, again, this is so important to your success as an agent. | July - August 2017 | KANSAS INSURANCE AGENT & BROKER 9