answers to your E&O questions
Educating customers on D&O
by mary laporte, cpcu, cic, lic, cpia
the condos and didn’t finish paving all
My customer is serving in a
the roads. But as members pay dues
non-compensated position on
over time, the board addresses which
the board of a non-profit organization.
streets to pave. The board has limited
He discovered that their Directors
funds to use this year, so they arrange to
and Officers (D&O) liability coverage
pave a small section. It is not the section
is $1,000,000 for 15 board members
you live on. You have been planning to
and does not feel he is adequately
move, and when talking to the Realtor,
protected. The board voted against
she says “too bad you don’t live on
increasing the limit. How does he
By Mary
of theLaPorte,
paved roads, )