answers to your E&O questions
Write it down or it didn’t happen
by mary laporte, cpcu, cic, lic, cpia
and refrain from using others.
We are very conscientious
• Rather than stating that you had a
about documenting files in our
conversation with the “insured,” be
agency, and as operations manager, it
sure you always include the name of
is my job to make sure that everyone
the person spoken to (such as: Sally,
is doing a good job in this area. To
Mrs. Smith, etc.). If speaking to an
raise awareness, we have declared
underwriter, use both their first and
next month to be “Documentation
last name and indicate the name of the
December.” Of course we intend
carrier (such as: Jim Brown/Travelers).
to document well all year long, but
•By Mary LaPorte, CPCU, imagine
Each time