Gateway License Portal Auto-update Trigger
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Protected and Licensed Software |
Software Activation Wizard
Protected and Licensed Software |
regular license renewals . Should a license already be recovered on another device , the license at the first device would either be withdrawn or simply left to lapse .
SaaS Software For licensing Software-as-a-Service that is hosted by its vendor , CodeMeter Cloud Lite combined with CodeMeter License Central are the right choice : Users can access and log on to the SaaS application via their browsers . In the background , the SaaS solution communicates with CodeMeter Cloud Lite to get up-todate information about the licensed features and the license terms , such as expiry dates .
On-Premise Software in a Private Cloud In this case , the vendor sells regular on-premise software , but the user has outsourced the IT infrastructure and uses only thin clients . The software itself is then run in virtual machines in a private cloud , e . g . AWS or Azure .
CodeMeter has two equally suitable options for this scenario : CmActLicenses with Smart- Bind could be used , since the cooperation of Wibu-Systems with Microsoft and Amazon promises high security and top reliability . The virtual machines can even be moved in this case . A CmActLicense would only be invalidated if a virtual machine is duplicated or reverted to a snapshot .
The other option is CodeMeter Cloud . The credential file needed to access the license container would be placed in the virtual machine , and since the licenses are tracked by Wibu- Systems itself , the virtual machines can be moved , copied , or reverted to the users liking – without ever allowing more licenses to be used than the user actually owns .
Mobile Online Usage of On-Premise Software The users are always online and want to use their software on the go , e . g . moving between their office and home office .
This is the use case CodeMeter Cloud was made for . The credential file would be imported to all devices of the users , allowing them to access their software wherever they want . The number of licenses is carefully tracked in the cloud , so that e . g . a single-user license can only be used on one device at any one time . Should more than one user share the device , the credential file can be removed after use , using the license portal to manage the credential files . Typically , the necessary licenses are created with CodeMeter License Central .
Mobile Offline Usage of On- Premise Software
In this scenario , the users move between online and offline environments . For them to be able to start licensed software offline , precautions have to be in place to prevent the potential – unintentional or fraudulent – multiple use of a license . The typical solution is to give the users a certain number of licenses that they can activate offline on a certain number of devices in the form of CmActLicenses . This resembles the „ On-Premise Software Managed by the
Cloud “ approach , but it requires a periodic connection to the Internet to use the checkpoint license model . These are licenses that can be activated on other devices when they or the device they were originally on are removed upon reaching a checkpoint . If users want to move on to another device without waiting for a checkpoint , they can deactivate it early by going through CodeMeter License Central .
Summary CodeMeter has all shades and flavors of cloud licensing covered with its array of components . CodeMeter License Central offers a simple and standardized way to create licenses for all possible use cases . Licenses can be stored in any one of three ways : CmCloudContainers , CmCloudLiteContainers , and CmActLicenses . And Wibu-Systems ’ experts are on hand to help design the perfect cloud licensing architecture to keep you from tripping up on the stairway into the cloud .