The Swiss Army Knife of Licensing
CodeMeter offers a perfectly balanced and coherent solution for all these combinations . Even complicated mixed setups are not a problem for it , but rather an opportunity to shine . License creation is made easy with its standardized integration into ERP , CRM , or e-commerce systems , where the recipients send a ticket to redeem their licenses . The activation process is also designed to be adjusted for each given use case : Licenses can be activated automatically when their recipient is already known e . g . from the original purchase ; if the intended user is not known when the license is first created , it can be activated and bound to the user when the user enters the ticket .
The Core Modules
CodeMeter License Central CodeMeter License Central is the software developers ’ go-to place for creating , managing , and distributing licenses . This is where licenses for their software products are configured and created , again with extensive automation capabilities by integrating a CRM , ERP , or e-commerce system . The developers also have the option to allow their users to move licenses or recover lost licenses , to change existing licenses , or to revoke licenses if need be .
License Portal The license portal is an add-on module of CodeMeter License Central , designed to give end users round-the-clock self-service access to their licenses . Depending on the settings chosen by the developers , users can go to the portal to activate , move , or return their licenses or pick up any license updates from their vendor . These updates are enforced automatically and in the background before any other action can be done , and they cannot be skipped by users , making them the perfect vehicle for expanding or indeed withdrawing licenses . An API , called the Gateway , is also available to access the license portal from within a licensed application . The system makes license updates transparent , but unobtrusive for users who just want to get on with their software lives .
CodeMeter Cloud Lite CodeMeter Cloud Lite is a server application that is used to provide licenses created with CodeMeter License Central for SaaS applications or software on mobile devices . When CodeMeter License Central first creates a license , it is not assigned to any user or device ; it is only when the license is activated that it is sent to its intended device or bound to its intended user in the case of CodeMeter Cloud Lite . CodeMeter Cloud Lite does not have any user management system on board , but instead links up with the existing user management system of the vendor ’ s SaaS service .
CodeMeter Cloud CodeMeter Cloud is the comprehensive solution for protecting and licensing mobile or cloud software . The licenses are stored in the cloud and can be accessed by their users on the go . All the users need is access data ( in the form of a credential file ) to get to their licenses in their CmCloudContainer .
CodeMeter Cloud Lite uses a barebones REST / SOAP licensing API , whereas CodeMeter Cloud works in full compatibility with regular CmDongles and CmActLicenses and has APIs for native , . NET , and Java applications . It also offers the automated protections of CodeMeter Protection Suite . An integration with an existing user management system is possible via the license portal , but it is not required by the system .
The server for CodeMeter Cloud is operated by Wibu-Systems as a ready-to-go turnkey service .
CmActLicense with SmartBind A CmActLicense is an encrypted license file that is bound to a physical device or a virtual environment by cryptographic means . CodeMeter SmartBind is the technology with which CodeMeter recognizes the environment and creates the best possible binding . Should certain properties of the hardware change , the technology allows a defined level of tolerance . For virtual or cloud environments , the binding relies on the identifiers of the provider . Due to Wibu- System ’ s cooperation with the two leading providers , particularly reliable binding is guaranteed with Amazon Web Services ( AWS ) and Microsoft Azure .
Use Cases
On-Premise Software Managed by the Cloud The most common use case in B2B installations is conventional , locally installed software with a local license or a license kept on a server in the Local Area Network ( LAN ).
For this case , CodeMeter License Central and CmActLicenses are the preferred choice , with an optional license portal or an integrated activation wizard . CodeMeter License Central lets users activate , move , and possibly recover lost licenses by themselves . If a regular , but not permanent Internet connection exists , the checkpoint mechanism can be used to enforce