to be registered or activated beforehand. You
can move the licenses end-to-end, and the
CmContainer is activated automatically.
CmActLicenses allow you to define custom
binding concepts between server and client.
You can, for instance, set separate rules for
use on virtual machines, define in which
CmContainer the license can be active, and into
which CmContainer the license can be lent. The
combinations are free for you to mix and match
to your needs.
During the borrowing procedure, the license is
transferred from the license server to the client. It
retains the identical properties it had on the server.
A defined borrowing period is set at any interval
between one second and the maximum chosen
by you as the developer, and the license can only
be used on one local PC. After the borrowing
period has ended, the borrowed license is again
available for use from the license server.
Returning the licenses early or extending the
borrowing period is possible at any point.
When the employee does not have access to
the network, the administrator can also lend
the license in offline form. The employee sends
in a license request with a fingerprint of the
computer in question or the CmDongle of the
client. The administrator uses this file for the
borrowing process. The resulting license update
is returned to the employee, who activates it
on the client, with a receipt produced in the
next step. If no receipt is produced, this step is
repeated automatically in the background when
the license is borrowed again.
Should you have chosen the licensing model
“Unlimited licenses for one year” as the vendor
working with Wibu-Systems, you can license as
many clients as you need. These do not have
The licensing model “Licenses per CmContainer”
only allows borrowing with an activated
CmContainer. This needs an activation with
your Firm Code to prepare the CmContainer
for a client. You can do this during the online
registration via CodeMeter License Central. The
“Unlimited licenses for one year” also gives
you the option of requiring a pre-activated
If you would like to upgrade to an unlimited
license please contact your local sales
representative. You find the details on the back
page of the magazine.
Licenses can be changed on the license server
even while they are away with the borrower.
The licenses remain active after the changes,
while the changes only come into effect for the
client when the license is borrowed again at a
later point. For the current borrowing period, the
user continues using the old license offline on
the client.
Moving Licenses
In addition to allowing licenses to be
borrowed, licenses can also be moved
permanently with CodeMeter License Transfer.
This has already been an online option with
CodeMeter License Central, but it required
either a standing connection to CodeMeter
License Central or forced offline users to
move three separate files (request file with
fingerprint, license update, receipt).
With CodeMeter License Transfer, the end-to-end
moving of licenses is now also possible offline.
One of your employees can take a license to
your user on a CmDongle and activate the user’s
machine without any data or files having to be
sent to CodeMeter License Central. This does,
however, affect the accuracy of the statistics in
CodeMeter License Central.
When moving licenses, you can move n of
m licenses. You can also preset the transfer
limit to define whether the moved license
can be moved again. Its return to the original
CmContainer can also be configured by you
as the vendor.
The Security of CodeMeter
License Transfer
CodeMeter License Transfer employs state-ofthe-art technology to protect vendors from the
illicit duplication of their licenses. A license
consists of one original part made by the
developer and one changed part created by
the transfer. This concept makes it impossible
for an attacker to expand the scope of a
This security is achieved by means of
certificates. One important point is that the
certificate and the key needed for a transfer
cannot be moved to the destination. The
transfer limit for borrowing licenses is set to
one on principle. For moving licenses, the limit
can be customized: You choose how far the
key is allowed to move. The principle should
be: “As far as necessary, as near as possible.”
The highest level of security can be achieved
when the CmContainer is assigned to a
dongle as the point-of-departure, or when you
store it in your own cloud.
Modular Licenses
Modular licenses built on a basis of Module
Items (Nested Product Items – see next page)
can be moved or borrowed effortlessly. All
modules are simply transferred in one go
whenever the license is moved. If the modules
have specific properties, these are also
duplicated explicitly.
If you wish to give your users the option
to select specific modules for transfer, the
modules simply need to be defined as separate
product items.