Borrowing and Transferring Licenses
License servers in the user’s network have become increasingly popular options in the recent past. As a software developer,
you leave it up to the user to use, manage, and monitor the licenses. All you need is a simple process for delivering them: The
licenses are activated on the license server and immediately ready for use by the devices connected to the network.
But there are instances in which a single-user
license for a local computer or a local dongle
would be the better option. The software might
have to be used on a construction site, and the
user does not have a VPN to access the license
server. A mobile license is also a great choice if
the user wants to take a project back home and
continue working from his home office.
The Foundation Solution:
CodeMeter License Transfer
Wouldn’t it be great if the user could handle
the changing and transferring of the license
on their own? CodeMeter License Transfer
is the perfect solution for this challenge:
CodeMeter License Transfer allows far more
than simply borrowing licenses. It combines
the permanent end-to-end transfer of licenses
with traditional borrowing via network servers.
Permanent license transfers make easy work of
activating licenses in machines or devices not
yet connected to the Internet of Things. All it
needs is a service technician and a CmDongle
to get the license to the device.
Borrowing in the Network
Nothing is easier than borrowing via a network
server with CodeMeter License Transfer. The
user selects the licen se and simply clicks the
“Borrow” button that you have built into your
application or license manager. To get you off
to a quick start, Wibu-Systems offers you a
license manager source code (available in C#)
that you can adjust in looks and functionality
to fit your needs.
The license for borrowing is fully configured
by you. You define whether a license can
be borrowed, and you choose for how long
it can be borrowed. You can also decide
which CmContainer can be used for the
borrowed license. Your choices could state
that the lending license server needs to use
a CmDongle, while the borrowing client only
receives a software CmActLicense.