Kew Review | Page 17

Year 1 We love Science and finding out about the world around us. Materials, plants, animals and the seasons; we are always keen to know more. Keeping a close eye on the weather, how it affects both us and the beautiful pear tree in our playground, is a very important business. We regularly add photographs to our ‘Seasons’ display to note changes both in our clothing and on the tree. Beautiful autumn leaves, bare winter branches, spring blossom and now, when we look carefully, we can see the tiny pears beginning to grow. It is so exciting. We constantly ask questions. ‘How does it smell?’ ‘What does it taste like? ‘Is it magnetic?’ ‘Will it float? ‘ ‘What can you see?’ ‘Why do you think this happens?’ ‘What might happen next?’ Curious to know more, we investigate and set up simple experiments to answer our queries. Topic books are helpful when we want to explore further, and the IPads come in handy too. Sometimes we watch little video clips that link to the lesson. It all helps to bring the wider world to the classroom. Planting seeds at the start of the Summer Term turned our classrooms into greenhouses. ‘It’s just like Jack and the Bean Stalk’ exclaimed one child as the bean plant was spotted winding itself up the roller blind cord. Visits to Kew Gardens and London Zoo support our studies and we like to do ‘Field Work’ in both our playgrounds. ‘ It was awesome doing field work in the front playground’ ’I saw a Choisya plant. When you rub your fingers on it , it smelt peppery.’ The highlight of the year however, has to be the delivery of very tiny Painted Lady caterpillars to each Year 1 classroom. They are fascinating to watch and the children’s excitement is palpable. 15