Kew Review 2018 | Page 44

Year 6

Even during my very first Kew College lessons , I was embraced with kindness . Every moment of my life has been a stupendous memory . All the teachers were mo va onal , construc ve and taught me so much . I have made unforge able friends for life and I have relished so many enjoyable experiences . My favourite lessons have been games , and I am so thankful for every match and tournament we accomplished . My most fond memories included Bushcra where we learnt epic survival skills and the mud-assault course in France , which tested our teamwork . Everybody in Kew College has been and always will be my second family . I hope all the younger years do well in their exams and have a wonderful me at KC , like I did . I am excited , but also nervous to go to my secondary school , Godolphin & Latymer . Thank you so much Kew College for giving me the incomparable years at primary school . Goodbye Kew College . Olivia S 6T
My me at Kew College has whizzed by , filled with wonderful and exci ng memories . One of the best was winning my race on Sports Day in Year 3 . It was my first Sports Day at the school and I ’ ve won every year since then . When Hawk won the House Cup in years 3 and 5 I was ecsta c . I think we have a good chance winning this year . My group of friends have been amazing and school break would be uneven ul without them . The school have organised many exci ng ac vi es that I loved , including : Founders Day , Book Day , School Trips and Mu i Day . My favourite was the Mud assault course in France where we stumbled through the mud and water , ge ng drenched . The teachers have been amazing at all mes and helped me through the exams , which allowed mw to achieve Latymer Upper School . I do not say goodbye , but thank you Kew College for giving me a fantas c primary experience . Sachin K 6T
From the moment I walked through the school gates I knew that this school would be my home for a while , and as expected , it was everything I hoped for . My most daun ng memory was when the children in the last year towered over me as they stood towering over me when I was in the younger year groups . It is amazing as I am now in year 6 and the one looking down at li le children and wondering where all the me has gone . On my first residen al trip to Kingswood , I packed my bag crying as I le my family for one day . Now I am ecsta c that I ’ m leaving for a week to go to another country- France ! When I move on to my next school a er Kew College , I will miss the smiles in the morning and the great memories at Kew College that make the peace and laughter part of my educa on . Joseph A 6T
In my first day at Kew College I was very mid . I didn ’ t know any people but a er minutes I had already met some amazing friends who remain friends to this day . There have been so many spectacular teachers who have helped me get through my 11 +. Leaving Kew College and joining Harrodian , my new secondary school will be an enormous step for me . One of my best memories at Kew College are on the French trip , which was an amazing experience and Bush cra which was fun and challenging . Harry B 6T