Kew Review 2018 | Page 43

Goodbye Kew College – Class of 2018

My me at Kew College has flown past in a flash , from my first steps in the Nursery to my last in Year 6 . All the memories that I have made along the way I will treasure forever . In Nursery , I remember vividly how my mixed emo ons puzzled my brain , as I felt ecsta c but also petrified . I always dreamed of going to primary school but I was nervous . However , all the bright smiles welcomed me into the school . During my me at Kew College , I have grown and extended my knowledge and I have developed a be er personality . One strong memory was when I was Captain Hook in the Year 4 Summer produc on of Peter Pan . Another memorable moment would be the me in Year 6 when we embarked on a thrilling adventure to Bushcra . Since then my survival skills have improved and so have my tribal skills as I took part in the talent show with my tribe ‘ The Cheese Graters ’. I was the Master of Cheese and I loved sleeping in our open shelters with all my friends . We travelled to France taking part in ini a ve exercises and exhilara ng ac vi es . This included my favourite ac vity – the mud assault course , where we rolled around in the pungent mud . The me I have spent here has been magical and will not forget my life-las ng friends and magnificent teaches who have nurtured me along the way . Goodbye Kew College . Sabina M 6T
Kew College has been my home since I could walk . Now it is me for me to say goodbye a er 8 joyful years . I started barely being able to walk and now I can run a lap of the playground and not break sweat . When I started to wear uniform I was so elated . That was true for the me I went on my first residen al trip which was Kingswood in year 3 . The same is true for the others as well which include Bowels ( year 4 ), Hooke Court ( year 5 ) , Bushcra ( year 6 ) and France ( year 6 ). Each fantas c gala and sports day has a special place In my memory . If it was not for the brilliant teaching staff . I would not have passed into my next school Kingston Grammar School . I shall always have very fond memories of my of Kew College . Tom W 6S
When I first entered Kew College in Year 4 , I had mixed emo ons : excitement , joy and fear . Not all the subjects were as straight forward as I had expected . Maths in Years four and five were very industrious ; Year 6 was just more complicated and more new . Surprisingly , I found it as one of my favourite subjects including Art and ICT . One of my most memorable lessons was when our science teacher ordered a lamb ’ s kidney for us to see . We responded with a mixture of horror , excitement and disgust . It smelt abominable . That lesson was amazingly thrilling and definitely unforge able . All the plays I performed : in were quite amazing : Peter Pan , The Jungle Book ! The costumes were intricate and well adapted to the character . During my me at Kew College my knowledge of Math , English , History , Geography , Science had drama cally increased . So many trips I have been in , France , Bowels , Hooke court . Although I am eager to go to Latymer Upper School , I am reluctant to leave Kew College . For now , I will have to say goodbye to this wonderful school , and take with me a plethora of memories . Jaiming Y 6S