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Cars Of Today

Today, Electrical cars are becoming more popular and the gasoline cars are more economic every time. Car's computer systems are smarter than ever allowing the cars to get auto personalized depending in the person that is driving it. People also want safe cars that can give protection to their families That's why car companies invented special packs and mods for their cars. One of them is the auto-parking which makes your car to park by its self. Other thing that cars have are sensors which makes the car to stop or let you know if you are close to something that can hit the car or letting you know that you need to slow down if you are going fast against an object. Sport cars in this times are a thousand times faster than the ones from 20 to 200 years ago and they are not only faster they are also very economic. Companies today built their cars with economic parts so anyone can replace them for cheap if the brake up. The interior of the cars have more luxury and they are very comfortable to.

Cars are one of the most important inventions. They have more technology every. But, what's going to happen with the cars if the technology keeps going at this speed? They might fly, work with solar energy, water or they could even drive by their selves. Cars also could open and start by putting your finger print on the door handle, communicate each other, home address set up so it can take you home from any place you are at and many more possibilities.