Kerby Young Designs Magazine KYD Magazine January Issue | Page 41

She shared all that resided in her inner most being and I listened carefully to all that she had to say. She was hurting deeply, her soul damaged and broken.

Who would become her friend and who would help her heal? Who would help her feel safe?

I gradually came to the realization and agreement, that I was the one that needed to help her heal. I needed to acknowledge and honor her feelings and reassure her that she would be ok; that she would no longer be abandoned. I needed to do this, to help her understand that she no

longer needed to be afraid, she can feel safe with me. I will see her, I will hear her and I will acknowledge that she exists. I will hold her hands and play together with her and will know that she can be happy and grow into the girl she was destined to be. Fear will no longer prohibit her from living freely and abundantly because she will know that I am right by her side, watching over her and protecting her.

I had to apologize to her, for I had ignored her for too long.

I had ignored her pain and her cries for help. I did not protect her. I was running around seeking to satisfy my adult needs and desires without acknowledging that she had them too.

I made a promise to her that I will spend more time with her and that she will become more

important to me. to my inner child, I love you and you are important to me.