Kerby Young Designs Magazine KYD Magazine January Issue | Page 40

We all have an inner child; a version of ourselves that is immature, fearful and lonely. That inner child often feels unsafe, unworthy and unloved due to emotional and sometimes even

physical abandonment. The idea of owning an inner child

become more acceptable to me when I embarked on a journey of healing and transformation. Prior to this journey, I was significantly maladjusted to life as this child within was broken, unhealed, hurting , and scared. like a mother protecting her young, she lashes out verbally and sometimes even physically, in moments that she when feels threatened or fearful. I began by acknowledging that my inner child is real and alive;still scared and hurting and wanting to feel loved and safe. Almost conversation like, I started establishing a rapport with

this child. I explored her feelings and the reasons behind them.

She was hurt that her feelings had not been important before.

She was ignored and unnoticed. She recalled slammed doors

that became locked for hours upon end and she recalled a father

that never said “ I love you”.

She recalled a father that left for months on end and she remembered feeling like she had to fend for herself. She had to protect herself from this cruel and cold world and she had to

create her own safety. She recalled being taken advantage of sexually and being scared that she would be at fault.

Nurturing My Inner Child

with Tynika M. James